What a cutie (by Laura)

Today is Wednesday and it's really hard to believe that we only found Boeden two days ago. He is just the cutest little guy! He smiles a lot and definitely knows who we are and gets excited when we come in. We meet with him for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening every day except Sunday, when we will only visit once.
He was born on July 30, 2005 so he is almost 10 months old. He weighs about 15 pounds right now and crawls and pulls himself up to stand holding onto chairs and things. He is ticklish and has a cute laugh. One tooth just broke through.
While we thought that we were coming to get a girl (we have 10 nephews and no nieces in our combined families), we can't imagine having anyone else. He is definitely our baby...through and through. (We are just gushing, in case you can't tell.)
We named him Boeden to honor Geoff's dad, Bertram, with a name that starts with a "B." Boeden means a gift from God. We definitely think so. His middle name is Raphael which honors my grandmother, Rose.
That's all for now.
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