We Made It!

What a journey.
Our last day was Monday and it started with court. We had been packing the night before so most of our stuff was folded, put away and laying in the many suitcases strewn about the apartment. I had done some food shopping so we were able to have a nice breakfast and talk, each of us sharing how we wanted the morning to go. By 8:40 we were downstairs waiting for Vladimir, our driver.
The docket had us listed at 9:00 but the judge was running a bit late so we weren't called in until close to 9:30. We had arrived before any of the other couples that we're scheduled for court that day, but by the time we had hoped to be called in many others had arrived. Despite having a slot on the docket adn hoping to go first, we watched as the other couples inched their way closer to the entrance of the court house. Laura, the Sinclair's and I have TOTAL faith in our coordinator, Larissa, so we just stood and waited. Our attorney, George, peeked his head out of the court's front doors, Larissa waived to us and we moved like we were jaywalking in New York during Christmas (FAST!).
I kept reminding myself that it was Monday morning, the judge is running late and we are going to be among his first appointments so, if he occurred gruff, I had to remember, most likely it had nothing to do with us. We waited a few minutes outside his chambers and Larissa peeked out. With some urgency she asked who would go first and before any of us could think or answer, Laura was moving and walking into his chambers. So, here we are. On the other side of the planet. All of the paperwork we have done over the last year and a half is going to be scrutinized. Boeden's Doctor is there to offer her thoughts on why we should be allowed to adopt. The Social Worker from the Ministry of Education is there to offer her findings from our interview and make a recommendation in our favor. Our Lawyer is there. Our coodinator. The Prosecutor (state representative) and one other person who was taking notes.
A moment earlier, while we were waiting, I had put a hard candy in my mouth and then we were walking in. In the 30 feet between the hallway and the group of people in the judges chambers I had to figure out how to get rid of this candy as I was going to be the one to speak on our behalf. The only thing I could come up with was to stick it in my suit pocket (which went unnoticed) but then my hand was sticky. I'm thinking, suppose this guy wants to shake my hand. Many other thoughts went through my head as I figured it out. I was then being asked to stand and present myself.
"Good Morning, my name is Geoffrey Horowitz. I am a professional photographer living in Media, Pa. This is my wife Laura......" Then the questions started coming. It went pretty well and lasted only about 15 minutes. I made direct eye contact the whole time. He mostly was looking at the file and talking to the others in the room. His manner was at times abrupt. Very direct and somewhat animated. We could tell that he was making sure that all efforts had been made to contact the birth mother and her family. His questions were answered and we were asked to leave chambers. Then, The Sinclairs were called in. I was a little teary eyed as Laura and I recapped what had just happened. I was so moved by the whole process and so grateful for the care and attention that Kazakhstan gives to the process. I started to breathe a little easier and put my attention on pealing the now embedded hard candy out of my suit pocket. Covered with lint, I thought it might make a great keepsake but ended up wrapping it in tissue and throwing it away. We were then called back in.
Everyone was standing. The Judge began to speak. I heard my name. Then Laura's. Then Boeden's. He was making a formal statement. "On this day........" He was certifying and granting our request to adopt Boeden. It's hard to type this and not cry. In his chambers my eyes welled up and tears ran down my cheeks. Our little boy is our little boy.
This only represents a bit of what happened THAT MORNING. I'll add more later and, for those of you that asked, here are some more pictures.
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